Friday, February 24, 2012

Why Boys Why?

This blog entry is entitled Why Boys Why? because frankly, WHY BOYS.....WHY?


Why, boys, why do you do and say the things that you do and say?

Why boys why do you say confusing things about your thoughts and girls and shit ans then be all cute and mysterious with your smiley faces? REally? Cause then you leave us girlds here going......damn is he for real or is he just being a complete TOOL? To me. Again. Fuccck.

Why boys why do you flirt and hit on us....if you're not even remotely interested? What the fuck?!

Why boys why do you feel the need to give us advice al lthe damn time? Do I wear my problems with a question mark on my forehead like a fucking walkting talking Yahoo Answers bubble? No no I do not. I am a girl. Sometiems I want to rant. soemtimes i want to complain. sometiems I jut want to bitch for 20 minutes and have someone to just listen to all of it. If I want your advice BELIEVE ME I will totally ask for it. Unless I totally don't trust your judgement. And if tha'ts the case, then I'm probably not ranting at you at all. I probably just answered some question or said something in passing about my day and you're tryingto be mr. fix it. FOR NO REASON. Thanksd for being nice and all but SHIT. If I want advice I'll go to my BFF's for it.

Why boys why do you continue asking whehter or not we like you "like that" when we've already told you flat out NO? Seriously? Do you like bieng rejeceted becuase I certainly don't like rejecting you all the time. makes me feel like crap beuase your'e a decent gjuy. I just don't get any fluttery feelings in my stocmahc when we're heart racing when you hot and cold at the same time when we're dreaming of kisses no sex fantasies and no thoguths of what fact no real thoughts dwelling on you outside of the time we're talking .....ok? I am not romantically inclined towards you. I'm sorry. That's just how it is. I gogt my own shit dealing with unreqited love on the other end ok? I dont' need you all up in my business about picking some song that describes how I feel about you. I'll tell you what your song is: Creep by Radiohead. Cause youre fucking creeping me out.

And finally why boys why,.....are you so damn confusing? Yall say you're simple.....but we both know thart's complete bullshit. If you were truly simple, why would it take a damn psychoogly textbook and months and months of talking with you and facebook stalking you to UNDERSTAND YOUR BRAIN? And even still do unpredictable shit. Really? REALLY? Stop lying boys and face the facts: you're as fucking complicatfed and messed up as girls. Deal with it.

I am still

Saturday, February 18, 2012

When You Really Know

Rings are symbols. Their circular shape carries a lot of meaning, symbolizing a bond and the love that goes on and on with no end.

Engagement rings are the same, complete with a promise for the future; a foreshadowing of what is to become. Normally this is a very good thing. It's a very happy time.

But not always.

Some say that everything rests in the actual proposal. Some say what really matters is the ring itself.

Personally, I think what truly matters is your relationship. The rest of it is, as they say, window-dressing. Then, an engagement is a happy time or...a mistake. Quite possibly, the first sign of true trouble you'd been trying to ignore.

When I was proposed to, I had actually been asleep. Or half asleep. I was woken by a cool ring being slipped onto my finger. Note: I was asleep, we were in a car driving back to my college after a break, and the ring was placed on my finger before I ever said yes. Before I had even been properly asked.

He was really assuming a hell of a lot.

Then again, some of that had been my fault. We'd talked about getting married for a long time. We'd been together for about four years. I suppose it was assumed.
I had also assumed.....

Until the moment I opened my eyes to this diamond on my hand.

I hid my head in his arm as he asked, "Hey.....will you marry me?"
I hid because the ring and the question did not make me excited. I didn't immediately scream YES! and then throw my arms around him. I didn't cry tears of joy (at that point, I hadn't even experienced those yet.) I didn't even look up at him and grin.

Instead, I found myself staring down at this gorgeous, sparkly ring....only filled with apprehension. A shaky sense that something was not quite right.

And that feeling terrified me.

Why didn't I shout yes right away? Why was I thinking only crap and what is everyone going to say about this now? But he was expecting an answer. I had to give one, the right one. But what was the right answer?

Well, I was trapped in a car which was currently speeding down the road for another hour and a half and there was apparently only one answer anticipated. So, I did what was expected of me. I choked out "yes" and tried to ignore the feelings of discontent lodged in my stomach. I pushed them away, trying to convince myself that they were just nerves and nothing more and then set about telling everyone we knew.

The ring never really fit.

That should have been a clear sign, an omen of sorts. But I was prone to sweeping bothersome issues under the metaphorical rug.

So I didn't really pay attention to those little telling signs around me. Like, that the ring kept falling off, being two sizes too large. Or that there never seemed to be time to get it re-sized. Or that the ring itself didn't even feel right.

It was not just the fact that I had to either wear it on a chain around my neck or hold it on my finger with a cheap plastic ring. It also managed to get caught or snagged on damn near everything. Or I'd almost scratch myself when resting my cheek on a fist. And, it just did not feel

It was sparkly, with gold bands and tiny diamonds on both sides leading up to a diamond in the middle, which was a bit bigger. It was beautiful, that much was true. But I felt like a fraud wearing it. Like a child playing dress up with Mommy's jewelry. It didn't belong with me, to me. It wasn't right.

And maybe, that was the clearest indication that something was not right with the relationship. A sign trying to show me what I already had secretly known and felt. I had known, about a month before, when one event shattered the pedestal I had placed him on. But I went on, sweeping it all into some dark corner of my heart and mind. Not something to think on.

And then, as if sensing my inner turmoil after the smoke cleared, the boy had produced a shiny ring. Which I accepted because I didn't feel as if I could do anything else. I didn't think that I really had a choice.

But the thing about life always have choices. Every. Single. Day.

So time went by and I kept trying to ignore what was so obviously right in front of me all along. It took a sudden attraction for someone else for me to really see that yes.....something was obviously not right here. If it was okay, then why had I emotionally moved on without even noticing?

Still, I thought then that the something wrong was deep within me. That I was entirely to blame, that I was a horrible person. That I was a total flake, a stupid squiggle trying to fit into a square world and entirely incapable of having a long-term relationship.

I battled deep guilt. But all the while, the sense that this boy was most definitely not The One only grew as my feelings for another boy also grew. And the ring became a cumbersome weight around my neck.

My hair, somehow, became caught around the stone.
The metal hit my chest as I ran, reminding me with every step of its continued presence. That I hadn't escaped.
It smacked me in the face while I was bent over, drying my hair. A constant reminder.
The plastic ring I sometimes used to hold it on my finger suddenly snapped cleanly in half. My stomach dropped at blatant symbolism but I stubbornly tried to shrug it off as coincidence.
Then at last, another ring I had previously been given which I also tried to use to hold the diamond on with....suddenly vanished for a few days.

I finally stopped wearing it entirely. Because I knew. I knew deep in my heart, with every bit of me, that this was not right.

And I'd always truly known this. It had just taken awhile to see it for myself.

The final clue came in the form of a sweet old lady I'd met and talked to by chance at a dinner final for one of my classes.

We had been talking about life and she mentioned moving back to her hometown after her husband had passed away. She said she knew that was where she belonged and she'd known because something had felt off staying where they had built a life together. And she looked at me very seriously and said, "Because you always know, don't you, when something isn't right. You know when something just doesn't fit in your life and you need to change it.

Suddenly, I knew exactly what she meant. You always do know.

So I made a vow to myself....that the next time someone asks me to marry them (God willing that happens), I want to feel something. And not fear, nerves, apprehension, or dread. Nothing negative.

I want to feel so much joy it comes spilling out of my eyes as tears.
I want to throw my arms around the boy because I need to touch him.
I want to shout YES! even before he is finished asking, because I can't hold in that affirmation.
I want to know, deep in my heart and with every bit of me, that this is right. That he is The One.
And I want to say yes, not because there can't be any other answer, but because any other answer never even occurred to me.

And I'll only ever say yes if I truly know.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How A Single Girl Celebrates Valentine's Day

Wake up in the morning.....totally not feeling like P Diddy.

Shut off the sounds of Avril screaming about having a bad reputation on your phone.

Blink a few times. Let your eyes focus on the date and time on the screen.

Curse and grumble to yourself.

Check Facebook. Scroll through the newsfeed. Torture yourself by checking your friend's profile and his newly confirmed relationship status.

Grumble some more.

Check your notifications. Laugh at messages from your best friends. Smile at a valentine you were tagged in by a friend. Comment. Like. Check your messages. Message back and forth with a friend. Check newsfeed again. Ditto notifications.

Remind yourself to not ruin other people's day with your own discontent. Its just another day, after all.

Sigh. Hide under covers.

Lean over to flick lava lamp off. Sit up and get out of bed. Talk to yourself, words that are half reprimanding and half pep talk. "Well, that's quite enough time spent feeling sorry for myself."

Grab clothes, some of your favorites that you set out specifically for today. Go to the bathroom. Take a long, hot, shower. Debate singing. Decide you don't much feel like it. Talk to yourself instead.

Dry your hair and wonder whether you should be concerned about the amount of talking you've been doing to yourself today.

Put hair up. Put jewelry on. Wonder why you're even bothering.

Check the To Do list you made for yourself. Make a face.

Pet your sleeping cat on the way to the kitchen. Grab laptop and turn it on. Torture yourself further on Facebook. Tear up. Shake your head, suck it up and open Youtube. Listen to def jam poetry as you make brunch.

Open fridge. Open cabinets. Stare at stove. Make another face. Debate how early in the day it is socially acceptable to start drinking.

Make really sweet tea instead. Make oatmeal. Load it with maple syrup and brown sugar. Throw in some raisins, so it at least resembles a healthy breakfast choice again.

Eat while watching more poetry. Nearly spray oatmeal everywhere while laughing at one performance. Wonder if that's a contributing factor as to why you are single. Shake it off. Decide to use that in a possible future poem.

Go into bathroom to practice your own performance poem that you finally memorized. Check your body language. Adjust it. Check your volume. Decide the acoustics are not the best in there. Continue anyway. Get all the way through the poem. Do a truly embarrassing victory dance.

Glance at reflection in bathroom mirror. Blink. Realize you look pretty damn hot. Decide any man's a moron who does not want to be with your sweet ass. Walk tall out of the bathroom.

Answer texts. Find valentine and chocolate from parents. Read card. Smile. Talk to a friend about many things, good and bad. Talk about plans. Actually feel excited about something. Laugh a hell of a lot.

Think about driving. Look at clock. Debate. Throw envelopes and deposit slip into bag. Debate again. Glare at To Do list. Move today's errands to the Wednesday section. Smile smugly at To Do list.

Begin making list of things to pack for Bonaroo. Begin making list of ways to make money for Bonaroo. Debate over old schoolbooks you no longer want. Start an ebay account to sell books. Look into selling them.

Get distracted by Twitter. Tweet something. Get distracted by all of the tweets from The Bloggess. Search for people on Twitter. Think about how creeped out celebrities might feel being followed by random fans. Wonder if you'll keep your Twitter when you're a famous author.

Get distracted by Ellen Degeneres tweets. Get distracted by Sophia Grace and Rosie videos on Youtube. Go back to Inforoo and your packing list. Get introduced to Flogging Molly. Squeal like a little girl. Debate whether you like them better than Dropkick. Decide that that's impossible to decide as they're both amazing.

Go back to ebay. Go through inventory of things to sell. Calculate bank account in head. Check job updates. Try to avoid looking at Facebook. Start eating chocolate.

Have an extremely awkward conversation with a guy in a call center who really wants to help you further your education. Try to explain you've already furthered your education. Have that be ignored. Listen. Finally hang up before collapsing into random hysterical laughter.

Tell friend about crazy call. Look at clock. Realize you have 2 minutes till the time you were supposed to pick up your mother at work. Swear. Run around, throwing dirty dishes into sink, grabbing mail and sorting it, getting bag, pulling jacket out of closet.

Tell friend you've gotta go. Run around some more, looking for hat and gloves. Find gloves. Decide that regular hat isn't going to cut it. Dump extra scarf and hat on sleeping cat. Get glared at by cat before he goes back to sleep.

Put on frog hat because it's nearly impossible to be sad while wearing it. Look for keys. Find keys. Almost lose gloves. Find them again.

Run outside. Get in car. Start it. Almost panic about backing out of driveway. Kick self mentally for being idiotic. Remember which way to turn the wheel to go in reverse. Successfully drive through town.

Give weird looks to the people passing by who are giving you weird looks. Realize it's probably because of your fabulous frog hat. Decide again that you really need to get the hell out of this town. Smile energetically and wide eyed at everyone passing by. Hope you made them uncomfortable. Wonder if that's immature. Decide you don't really give a damn. Laugh to yourself.

Remember your music when you're almost there. Sing along to Hands Clean. Pick up Mumsy. Answer call from Daddio (while parked, no worries!)

Drive back while chatting with mother. Get stuck in traffic. Get excited about being stuck in traffic for the first time. Get honked at. Make unsavory insinuations about the honker's parentage and intelligence. Finally arrive home.

Remind your mother that you promised to make dinner tonight. Decide what to make for dinner. Empty dishwasher. Begin to fill it again. Gather ingredients. Check clock. Set table. Check clock again. Start dinner.

Wash dishes. Suddenly find yourself singing. Realize you've just sang Killing Me Softly, You Were Meant For Me and Hands one after another. Decide to stop singing so as to not make your mother worry.

Work on dinner. Find yourself humming A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes. Feel instantly better.

Check Facebook. Find yourself on Yahoo Answers. See that no one answered your question. Click over to other people's questions. Scroll through. Find a sad sounding question in the adolescent section. Read it. Get reminded of your own love life in high school. Feel sorry for the kid. Decide to help her. Answer to the best of your ability.

Remember the dinner that you now hear boiling away. Race back to turn temperature down. Check clock. Begin talking to yourself again about everything you have to do. Hear Daddio arrive home. Race around finishing dinner.

Sit down. Get praised over everything that was made. Feel extremely pleased with self. After dinner, show parents the adorable video Google did. Share a funny slam love poem with them. Eat quite possibly the best chocolate cheesecake ever, by Mumsy.

Check email. See that the girl whose question you answered has thanked you and said yours was the most helpful of the answers she received. Feel really happy about helping someone.

Decide the best way to celebrate today is by spreading love via the internet. Go back to Yahoo Answers. Scroll through questions. Answer some more questions on relationships, psychology, books, and anime.

Gossip with a friend. Watch Stargate with Mumsy. Drool over Dr. Daniel Jackson. Realize the similarity to Milo Thatch from Atlantis. Laugh hysterically.

Decide to write a blog about today. Debate over what to say.....and then decide to write a really insanely long blog recounting the entire day. Start typing. Turn on Pandora. See that Yanni comes up. Try to remember when the hell you added Yanni radio. Notice an add for Love Stinks radio.

Turn that on. Find yourself listening to an insane collection of oldies, with some Ting Tings and Maroon 5 thrown in. Continue writing blog. Pause to play air guitar to You Give Love a Bad Name. Realize you haven't ingested anything alcoholic all day and that there are only two empty spaces in your chocolate box.

Blink a few times. Feel a little pleased. was just another day. And it wasn't even that bad of a day. Rock out to The Supremes and The Clash.

Finish blog, knowing that tomorrow is another day. And it's going to be fabulous.

And maybe, just maybe, I will wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy.