Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Day In the Life of an Aspiring Writer (Who Is Very Partially Employed)

My hours at work have been cut waaay down and I haven't had luck finding a new job yet. I'm stressed, worried, and trying to figure out how to hold out until the fall when the possibility of a decent part time job might open up. I've been trying to write but more in a half-assed kind of way. Then I saw advice Meg Cabot had for aspiring writers. So, I'm trying to get off my ass and do something about the two books that are currently vying for attention in my head. 

This is not productive in that vein, but it's a fun-ish exercise. (Yes I know fun-ish isn't a word but you know what, bae and selfie shouldn't be considered words either.)

7:30am: Woken up by fiance's alarm going off. Go back to bed.

8:10 am: Woken up again by fiance kissing me goodbye before heading off to work. Roll over and go back to sleep.

9:30 am: Woken up by the alarm on my cell phone. Hit the snooze.

9:35 am: Woken by alarm again. Hit snooze again.

9:40 am: Alarm again. This time silence the Darkwing Duck theme song. Check Facebook. Be distracted by things online.

10:20 am: Accidentally scare fiance's sister when I pop out of my bedroom. 

10:21 am: Bring laundry up from the basement. Begin sorting.

10:30 am: Say screw it, grab some clothes and go take a quick shower.

11:00 am: Get out of shower. Get dressed.

11:02 am: Open fridge and try to decide what to have for breakfast. Change mind several times. Finally pop frozen waffles in toaster oven. Turn on Keurig.

11: 06 am: Get distracted by webcomics.

11:10 am: Make tea. Check waffles. 

11:15 am: Update Goodreads.

11:20 am: Settle down to breakfast while watching an episode of Murder She Wrote.

12:23 pm: Finish reading A Fractured Mind.

12:47 pm: Make some more tea.

12:57 pm: Turn on Youtube playlist. Grab headphones. Begin working on character plotting for story.

2:47 pm: Take a break. Grab some hummus for lunch and watch a little Criminal Minds. 

3:16 pm: Realize what time it is and turn computer off. Head out door with library books. 

3: 22 pm: Finally manage to get out of driveway and into the stream of traffic. 

3:24 pm: Attempt to get gas. Have card not work. Go inside to ask about problem. Realize was putting wrong zip code into machine. Get gas. 

4: 05 pm: Grab previous week's paycheck from work. 

4: 16 pm: Arrive at friend's house at same time she does.  Hop into her new car. Discuss what's been going on and the previous weekend's activities. 

4: 25 pm: Arrive at library. Return two books and renew the third. Browse around and check out three more books. Escape before adding even more to stack.

5:03 pm: Arrive at other friend's work. Wait for him to get out. Eventually he does. 

5:17 pm: Get dropped off by car. Enter car and head back home. 

5: 56 pm: Arrive home. Greet people and dump library books on shelf. Finish sorting  laundry that had forgotten about earlier. Dry still-damp hair.

6: 15 pm: Glomp fiance when he arrives home. 

6:17 pm: Grab 3DS and check up on friends in Animal Crossing.

6: 25 pm: Sit down to dinner.

6:40 pm: Trash paper plate and napkin. Toss fork into dishwasher. Retire to bedroom. Read first chapter of Remembered Death. 

7:00 pm: Put headphones on and resume working on character plotting. 

8:45 pm: Take a break and look at employment listings.

8:50 pm: Become depressed over listings. Go on Facebook instead. 

9:04 pm: Watch more Criminal Minds. 

11:20 pm: Get distracted by fiance. 

12:09 am: Get ready for bed.

1:00 am ish: Eventually fall asleep.  Guesstimate.

And then do it all over again in varying amounts of time spent doing the things, interrupted by random fun, errands and actually working.

I need more ambition than I have. 

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