Wednesday, September 30, 2009

When the Piggy Flu Hits You

Now, I don't have the Swine Flu, the Piggy Flu, H1N1, Hiney or whatever it is we're calling it today. But....I was just informed that one of my classmates does.

H1N1 has hit SVC.

My classmate is quarentined at the local hospital. Might I add that I heard this from another student, not from the school admin itself. Of course, they might be waiting to inform us in the morning. *coughabouttimecough*

Still, the lounge has been wiped down with Clorox. The railing leading up to our floor has been disinfected. The instant we were informed of this, I ran to the bathroom and pulled out the wipes while my friend began slathering on hand sanitizer. None of us want the H1N1 obviously.

I can only imagine how our professors will react. They told us in no uncertain terms that if we got it, to get the hell out.
"If you get the H1N1, you will be unhappy. If I get it, I will be unhappy and so you also will be very unhappy."--as put by the amazing Scott.

So, take care that the Piggy Flu does not come near you:

--wash your hands (which you should know to do anyway)
--disinfect your door knobs, railings, faucets, etc (you might want to do this anyway in a KNOW why)
--go to the nurse if you get flu-like symptoms (or you start oinking uncontrollably)
--wear a medical mask, which you can get pretty easily especially if you or any of your friends are nursing majors (if you want to feel so much more safe and manage to cause mass hysteria from the mere sight of you at the same time)
--don't visit Mexico at this time (I know....but that's where it came from so....rethink that weekend trip to Cancun)

Peace, love and --*oink* oh, excuse me--Pluto!

[btw, TOTALLY kidding about that last bit]

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Guide to College Life: Those Students To Avoid

As a junior in college, I've realized that there are just some people that life would be better without. Or at least my life, if they suddenly were blown by some strong wind to Oz or Never Never Land, far from me.
I assume that I'm not the only one who has encountered such people. And so, here is a profile of those who you might want to avoid encounters with.

The Sleaze
At first, he seems harmless. He might be quiet, he might be charming. Perhaps, he acts like he has morals. He portrays the nice guy act as much as possible. And then, all of a sudden, he changes. He begins hitting on your best friend. Still, you think, "Hey....he's a nice guy. Maybe they'd be good together."
And then, you realize (through whine sessions and observing his prowling through younger girls like a shark through a school of fish) he is a self-absorbed, sleazebag who only wants in your friend's pants.
Note: he also might have groupies. Warn Freshmen girls about him. Warn your friends.

Mr. Sketch-tastic
Seems innocent. Might smile, but watch for the leer. He might start things out innocently enough by saying things like, "Wow. You're really smart. Could we study together?" or "Wanna be laundry buddies?" Be wary. Be very wary. Don't take invites, don't walk alone.

The Lounge Nazi
The title should be self-explanatory. This individual (most likely female) is a severe Type-A personality. They must have control, even of the TV that resides in your lounge. They most likely have a schedule taped to the television or table, informing everyone of the times the tv is not available to anyone else. Tread carefully in this area. As a type-A person, they're most likely to go running to security if you decide to mess with them by say, rewriting their schedule or hauling another TV out and watching something on it to interfere with their shows. Still, if taking cheap shots like so are ways of staying sane, by all means, Hawkeye and Trapper, continue.

The Emotional Drunk
It might be a roomate, it might be a friend. Who/whatever she/he is, you KNOW who I'm talking about. They're the one that cries when they've gotten wasted. They think everything is their fault, or maybe they begin to tell you how emotionally damaging it was that one Christmas when they didn't recieve Hungry Hungry Hippos from Santa.Whatever it may be, I can only suggest calming them, doing whatever it is you normally do with your drunks, and leaving. They'll only continue if you stay in the room.

And as this one has totally procrastinated enough this evening, she is signing off for now. (There may be possible additions to this issue over time).
Peace, Love and Pluto!